Year 1
We have really enjoyed starting this half term with Book Week! It was lovely to see so many children at Bears at Bedtime, and the children were inspired by our visiting authors. For the first two weeks of this half term we have immersed ourselves in the book ‘Our Tower’ and have enjoyed exploring settings. We have also launched our new topic ‘Carnival of the Animals’ and we are looking forward to our trip to Marwell Zoo on the 21st March. We have started to explore different animals and their habitats, linking this to the book The Journey Home. Over the coming weeks we will be comparing animals and their habitats and exploring where different animals live in the world.
This half term we will reading the book Monkey Puzzle by Julia Donaldson and using adjectives and verbs to describe different animals. We will also be learning about the life of Sir David Attenborough and the important work he has carried out educating the world about the wide variety of species that live on this delightful planet!
In Maths, we have been continuing to explore place value. We will also be exploring measure, looking at height and length as well as mass and volume.
We look forward to another fun and successful half term!
The Year 1 Team