Year 2

Welcome back everyone! We hope you all had a wonderful holiday. 

This term is the start of our new topic, 'The Magic Library'.

A magical door has appeared in the classroom leading to the Whispering Pages Library and through it we have received a letter from the librarian and books to read. Throughout the rest of the term we look forward to learning more about the library and what it holds within. 

In English, we will be writing descriptions based on our own magic libraries, creating instructions and writing stories inspired by the book, 'The Journey'.

In Maths, we will be learning about the value of coins in our monetary system, making the same amount using different coins and solving problems involving money. 

In Science, we will be learning about life cycles and what animals including humans need to grow. 

In D.T we will be learning about puppets and designing and making puppets of our own and, in History, we will be learning about the history of writing and books.

Now that we are back after our holidays, please make sure that you carry on reading regularly at home and practise Numbots.