Year 2


Congratulations to the crews of the good ships Tawny, Snowy and Barn Owls. Everyone has successfully completed their pirate crew training and are now ready to up anchor and sail on to new adventures!


There are just a few more preparations before we set sail including checking our geographical knowledge - Do we remember the names of the continents and oceans? Have we completed the maps we need to help us find our new destinations?


In English, we will be learning about The Hermit Crab and sharing the story by Eric Carle. We will be using the story to inspire our own art work and stories. and learning about how the hermit crab changes as it gets older.


In Maths, we will be solving problems involving the four operations so that we can be sure that all treasure is shared equally and that we know if we have enough money to pay for everything that we need for our travels.


In PSHE and Good to be Me, we will be talking about changes and making sure we have all the tools that we need to help us understand and regulate all the emotions that we might experience as we get ready to move on.


We will celebrate the end of the year with a Leavers’ Ball and Concert.