Mental Health & Well-being

Here at The Horsell Village School we are committed in supporting our children in developing healthy bodies, healthy relationships and healthy minds. We want our children to be able to know and value themselves and their feelings, understand how they relate to each other and help them to develop an emotional toolkit for life so that they become thriving, successful and resilient learners.

To support our children’s mental health and wellbeing we: 

  • use Jigsaw, the mindful approach to PSHE which is a spiral and progressive approach to PSHE. This approach brings together Personal, Social, Health Education, emotional literacy, social skills and spiritual development in a comprehensive scheme of learning.  It is a whole school approach and is delivered through assemblies and through in-class teaching
  • have a school lead in Mental Health & Wellbeing and a Mental Health & Wellbeing Governor
  • ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant) and Nurture groups for children who need this support – our ELSA has been trained by our Educational Psychologist Service.  The ELSA provides bespoke packages of support for individuals and groups of children on themes such as: social skills, emotions, bereavement, social and therapeutic stories, anger management and self-esteem.
  • deliver ‘Good to be Me’ wellbeing afternoons every Friday focusing on emotional vocabulary and recognition, mindfulness techniques and art activities to allow pupil dialogue.
  • have Forest School where children can learn through connecting with nature.
  • have Reading and Regulation stations – calm spaces in classrooms which children can visit if they feel they need time to deal with an emotion.

Parent Information

During Mental Health Awareness week, Mrs Reeve and Miss Richardson spoke to our parents about how we support children’s wellbeing at The Horsell Village School.
Please see below for the slides from this presentation. 

Wellbeing Workshop

Jo Richardson
Senior Mental Health Lead | Advanced Drawing and Talking Practitioner | P.S.H.E lead.
Rachel Cadey
ELSA | Drawing and Talking Practitioner
Rachel Wright
School SENDCO Drawing and Talking Practitioner

Useful Websites