Children maximise their potential in an environment which is safe, secure and supportive of all their needs, including any needs they have for protection from abuse.
Here at The Horsell Village School we are committed to promoting the welfare of all children by working in partnership with parents, carers, the local authority and multi-agency partners in early help and children protection. We expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. Safeguarding underpins all elements of our school approach.
Our policy applies to all members of the school community in its widest sense. This includes children and young people, their parents / carers, school staff, governors, visitors, specialist staff, and the local wider community where they interface with the school.
Within this section you can find information on the different areas of safeguarding, relevant polices and further information about how we support children’s safety in and out of school.
What is safeguarding?
Safeguarding is about protecting our children from abuse or neglect.
At The Horsell Village School the safety and well-being of our children is of paramount importance and that we are all responsible for the safety of our children.
All staff and governors receive annual safeguarding training and our school is fully compliant with ‘keeping children safe in education’ and ‘safeguarding children and safer recruitment in education.
All staff at The Horsell Village School provide an enabling environment that supports children development in ways that fosters security, positive mental and physical health, confidence, independence and self -belief. An environment where children feel safe, secure, valued, respected. An environment where children feel free to talk, knowing that they will be listened to.
We provide a systematic means of monitoring children known, or thought to be at risk of harm and ensure we contribute to assessments of needs and support packages for those children. We have a structured procedure within school which is followed by all members of the school community. We maintain the attitude‘ it could happen here’ through all aspects of safeguarding.
Here at The Horsell Village School keeping children safe is everyone’s responsibility. In addition, we have a team of fully qualified Designated Safeguarding Leads.
If you have any concerns about the safety and welfare of a child please contacted a member of the school’s Designated safeguarding team through the school office. In addition to this you can contact the Children’s Single Point of Access
Phone: 0300 470 9100- Monday to Friday 9 am to 5 pm
Out of hours Emergency Team
Phone: 01483 517898
You can find additional information regarding Children’s Single point of access ( C-SPA) at
Prevent Strategy
As part of The Horsell Village School’s ongoing safeguarding and child protection duties we fully support the Government’s Prevent Strategy.
What is the Prevent Strategy?
The Prevent Strategy is a Government strategy designed to stop people becoming or being drawn into terrorism. It:
- Responds to the ideological challenge we face from terrorism and aspects of extremism, and the threat we face from those who promote these views.
- Provides practical help to prevent people form being drawn into terrorism and ensure they are given appropriate support and advice.
- Works with a wide range of sectors- including educations, criminal justice, faith charities, online and health.
At The Horsell Village School we promote fundamental British values- democracy, Rule of Law, Respect, Tolerance and Individual Liberty, as well enabling our children to challenge extremist views.
Domestic Abuse – Information & Support
If you, or someone you know, have been affected by domestic abuse or violence, the following organisations may be able to help. If you are in immediate danger, you should dial 999. Call the Police on 101 if it is a non-emergency situation.
Surrey Against Domestic Abuse.
Family Information Services.